Where Spotless Meets Your Door

Home and Commercial Cleaning Experts

Why Book Your Cleaning Service With Us?

What our Customer Says


Are your cleaning teams professionals?

OC Cleaning has one of the lowest cleaner attrition rates in the industry. On average, cleaners working with OC Cleaning stay over 3 years and have completed the cleaning of over 1,000 homes. We are proud to be the company the very best house cleaners love to work with.

What is your great clean (200%) satisfaction guarantee?

We are a highly-rated cleaning service used by thousands of customers in and around Sydney.

Our 200% satisfaction guarantee is our commitment to industry-shaking customer service.

If for any reason you are unhappy with the service, send us an email or give us a call within 48 hours of the service being rendered. We will then return within 72 hours to rectify any missed areas.

If you are still unhappy after the clean is completed, we will refund your money or apply a credit to your account – no questions asked.

We also ask clients and prospective clients to respect our fair go policy.

We have zero tolerance for any racism, discriminatory remarks, or behaviour that makes our cleaning teams feel uncomfortable.

Whilst we understand inviting someone into your home is not a small ask, this does not give anyone the right to wantonly behave in a condescending aggressive manner.

Our terms and conditions stipulate that our cleaning teams will use their discretion to leave a job where they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

How many cleaners will come to clean my house?

A team of 2 people is our standard, sometimes an extra team member can come when needed. However, we do send a team of 1 person when the job is small (Studio/1BR/Touch-up jobs). This will be mentioned to you prior to your cleaning. We do also have an exceptional one-person cleaning team who specializes in end-of-lease cleaning up to 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartments. Please don’t hesitate to reach out, should you have any questions relating to this.

What is a Deep Clean?

A Deep Clean is for first-time customers or customers who haven’t had their home professionally cleaned in the last three months.

How much do you charge?

At OC Cleaning, we charge a rate in accordance with the number of bedrooms in your home. We then charge à la carte extras separately.

Our flat rate encourages our cleaning teams to work efficiently, conscientiously and diligently towards the goal of providing our customers with a spotless home.

We have an hourly rate that may be used for partial cleans.

Our flat rate starts at $119 for a one-bedroom studio/apartment and increases incrementally depending on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in your home.

How do I book a service?

On our website simply click on Book Now, enter your relevant details and within 60 seconds you’re on the way to having a spick and span residence. We will reply on the same business day confirming the appointment and arrival time. Book online as early as today! Get your home or office cleaned Monday to Sunday between 7AM and 4PM.

How long will it take to clean my house?

It all depends on the condition of your house, but as a baseline take the number of bedrooms you have and turn that into hours. (Example: 3 Bedrooms = 3 hours). We generally add an extra 20 minutes for additional bathrooms and living rooms.

Are you insured?

Yes, we are fully insured! If you need proof of insurance simply email us at Ochcslf1@gmail.com and we will gladly forward you all relevant documentation.

We acknowledge that sometimes accidental damage may occur, if it does, just forward us a photo and explanation of the damage and we will conduct an internal investigation with the team who attended. We will respond within 24 hours, and we will ideally have a fix within 7 days time.

What other services do you provide?

We provide a range of cleaning services including, but not limited to the following:

  • General Cleaning: Our standard service for those homes where you just need a professional touch-up and clean of general areas.
  • Deep Cleaning: Also known as our ‘spring cleaning service,’ this service is specifically for homes who have not been professionally cleaned in a number of months.
  • End Of Lease Cleaning: The perfect cleaning service when you are moving out of a rental home and need your bond back, or if you’re putting your home on the market.
  • Construction Cleaning: Just renovated or have an unsightly job site in your home? Book our construction cleaning service that guarantees the removal of all dust and we’ll have your property ready to live in.
Do you move furnitures to clean?

Generally, yes, if the furniture is under 10 kg then, our teams will move it. However, due to OH & S and the threat of damages, we don’t move large lounges, armchairs, beds, or large appliances like fridges, washing machines, and dryers.

Do you provide end of lease cleaning services?

Absolutely! Our end-of-lease or bond cleaning service aims to ready your home to be moved into.

I live in a suburb with limited parking, can you help?

Upon booking your cleaning service, we do ask that parking be made accessible for our cleaning teams.

In suburbs like Sydney’s CBD, North Sydney, Surry Hills, Chippendale, Ultimo, Glebe, Kings Cross and Redfern.

Parking can be very hard to come by. Your cleaning team comes fully equipped with a cleaning caddy, chemicals and other equipment. It isn’t feasible for them to walk long distances to be able to clean your home.

We request that parking be pre-arranged and if parking needs to be paid for, we will add this to the cost of the booking.

This will be confirmed with you prior to our arrival.

I only need a partial end of lease clean, can you help?

Unfortunately, we do not provide partial end of lease cleans. The reason being is that real estate agents will do an inspection to make sure the property is up to scratch before releasing your bond. They most definitely won’t pass a bond clean that has been partially completed.

Hourly booking FAQS

For hourly bookings, we request a checklist be provided to our cleaning teams on arrival and ideally to head office prior to the service being rendered, so we can brief our teams extensively.

This will mean you definitely get the service you’re expecting.

After conducting extensive staff surveys we have found that our cleaning teams prefer not to complete work where they have to travel long distances to work for only one hour.

Please do note that we have a one-and-a-half-hour minimum service.

We are able to offer one-hour services to some clients on an ad-hoc basis depending on location, our schedule, and the time of the day.

Our hourly services are really specified for especially large homes, cluttered homes or NDIS cleans.

We do hope this reaches you in understanding. Should you have any questions relating to this, please reach out to our capable staff and we’ll be able to assist with your inquiry.

What does your arrival window mean?

When booking a time slot, please note that this is an arrival window. So, if you book for your cleaning team to attend at 7 am, this means that they will arrive between 7-8 am.  If this is not suitable for you, please contact us to see if we can make alternate arrangements.

What's your policy on cleaner vaccination?

All cleaners working with MaidForYou are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, they are more than happy to show proof of vaccination upon entry to your home and before commencing any work. Should you have any questions relating to this, please don’t hesitate to contact us via phone, email or livechat.

Why is there limited availability at present?

We have since returned to pre-covid levels of service and have mostly unlimited availability apart from our busiest days which are Fridays, public holidays and Sundays.

We appreciate your patience with us at present. Should you need to get in contact or discuss this directly. Please contact our director of operations (Delah Gomasi) via email at info@maidforyou.com.au.

Our fair go policy

Our fair go policy stipulates that our cleaners are only human and will do their best, work diligently at all times and respect your home or office.

We have zero-tolerance for any racism, belittling or discriminatory remarks, or behaviour that makes our cleaning teams feel uncomfortable.

Whilst we understand inviting someone into your home is not a small ask, this does not give anyone the right to wantonly behave in a condescending aggressive manner to our staff.

Our terms and conditions stipulate that our cleaning teams will use their discretion to leave a job where they feel belittled, uncomfortable or unsafe.

I only want my carpets and upholstery cleaned is that possible?

You can book professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services through our online form. We charge per piece of upholstery and per room.

I only require a partial clean of my house, can I book a 1 bedroom clean for a 4 bedroom home?

Unfortunately, no. We go to great lengths to brief our teams on the service required. If you require a partial clean of a large house or didn’t want certain rooms cleaned, booking our hourly service is strongly encouraged.

If that is not suitable for you, please contact us so we can provide an adequate discount on your cleaning service.

However, we are unable to accommodate booking a 2 bedroom house clean for a 4 bedroom home and not having 2 bedrooms cleaned at our 2 bedroom rate. A 4 bedroom home in terms of areas is much, much larger than a 2 bedroom home. We hope this reaches you in understanding.

What is your cancellation policy?

We require 24 hours’ notice for cancellations without a fee. We go to great lengths to arrange a schedule for our cleaning teams and cancellations within 24 hours of service mean our teams lose work.

Cancellations at the door without any prior notice incur a full-price cancellation fee.

What are you doing to minimize risk in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Precautions we’re taking post-covid lockdown

We are doing the following to minimize all risks, and to provide a safe working environment for our cleaning teams and customers

  • Disinfecting and sanitizing of high touch areas as standard throughout all service provision.
  • All cleaning teams are wearing masks and gloves for their protection.
  • We are encouraging customers and our cleaning teams to facilitate contactless trade.
  • Encouraging our cleaning and administration staff to get vaccinated.

We will continue to monitor the situation as it happens.
A large portion of our cleaning teams has received three doses of the vaccine. If you request a team that has had three doses of the vaccine we can definitely accommodate that request.

I only want my carpets and upholstery cleaned is that possible?

You can book professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services through our online form. We charge per piece of upholstery and per room.

My property has a lot of mould growth, can you help?

While we may be able to remove mould from your home, we are not specialists in providing mould remediation.

Do note that extensive mould cleaning is not included in our service provision unless requested prior.

Mould spores may be able to be removed with cleaning but without substantial remediation to the room in which the mould is present the mould will almost always certainly return.

Do you offer same day weekend bookings?

Whilst we do endeavor to action same day bookings on weekends and public holidays. We have limited staff working, it is imperative that you make your same day weekend booking over the phone.